Weekly Garden Diary: Spring Week 5

This post was most recently updated on April 28th, 2017


Peas – plant some quick maturing ones as well as a maincrop variety – check on the seed packets, you want one that matures in 9-11 weeks and a second that is ready in 11-14 weeks. Give them plenty of manure and a good sprinkling of lime before planting.

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Beans can go in this week in most areas – scarlet, butter and french (green) beans. Rotting is a common problem with beans. Water the soil well before planting and then not again until they are all sprouted. Obviously let them get rain if it rains though.

It is a good time to plant asparagus crowns. You can get these at garden centers. They are a perennial crop, meaning they continue to produce year after year so give them their own bed, somewhere that means you won’t want to move them. Prepare the ground well, with lots and lots of well rotted manure and compost, remember you will only prepare their bed once, so do it well.


This is a great week to get strawberries planted. Give them plenty of manure, and mulch them well with straw/pea straw/ wood mulch or even black plastic.

Plant out any last berry fruit transplants to get them established before the drier weather. I recommend a fence or frame behind most berry fruits, this serves two purposes 1) To allow you to tie them back when they lie all over the ground – keeping the fruit off the dirt and allowing bees and sunshine in and 2) gives you a frame to throw bird netting over to keep them from eating your hard earned deliciousness.

Spring Week 6

Spring Week 4

Crop Rotation

Companion Planting

Seed Planting Timetable
For further reading, I really recommend all of these books. I own every one of them and they are amazing resources!








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